11 ⚄⚅ Universe Universality ⚅⚄ 11
17/06/23 - 01:23
Cuando esta tarde llegué a La Forja pensé mejor no contarle nada a Elia. Me pareció demasiado difícil de creer. Me preguntó, pero le dije que estuve jugando un rato y que no pasó nada.
Pero el bar ha ido vaciándose a lo largo de la tarde y yo animándome con los tragos. Al final, casi sin darme cuenta le estoy soltando toda la historia a Elia que, en un momento que se ha visto más libre, se ha puesto delante de mí con mirada inquisidora, como si supiera que ocultaba algo más.
No obstante, no quiero dejar de jugar con ella. En el momento en que voy a contar cómo echaron al conflictivo player5257 pongo voz de misterio:
— Y vi en la pantalla: “Player5257: 5, 4, …”, es decir, el tío ya sabia que lo iban a echar… Todos se lanzaban a acusarle y… lo siguiente: “Player5257 was kicked and banned”, algún otro maldiciendo y ya está: Todos siguieron la partida como si nada – ahí me quedo mirándola con gesto drámatico.
— ¿Y entonces lo echaron y desapareció y ya está? – Elia me mira incrédula
— Era bastante comprensible… la estaba liando. sin embargo, yo me quedaba sin saber quién cojones era ni qué sabía de mí. Me quedé muerto en una esquina de una sala tipo fundición-mazmorra (muerto de que me habían matado en el juego, pero un poco muerto también en mi silla delante del ordenador). Veía cómo el juego seguía sin más (en los 3D-shooter los muertos siguen viendo), el cyborg y la tía de ‘stiletto’ se curraban a escopetazos saltando sin parar por encima de un rio de lava mientras yo me preguntaba ¿me voy a quedar sin saber quién demonios es este tío? —Me quedo pensativo, como confuso, mirando al vacío pero consciente de que Elia me mira fijamente—. Debería haberle escrito algo en cuanto le ví en la partida. Sí, así me quedé...
— ¿En serio? ¿Así te quedaste? – Elia pone tono de decepción total
— ¡No! —exclamo soltando la tension— pocos segundos después otro timbre de mensaje en el chat interrumpió mis deliberaciones ¿adivinas?
— ¡No jodas! ¿Seguía ahí?
— ¡Seguía ahí y yo no podía dejarle escapar! La conversación que siguió me pareció tal desvarío que la he guardado en txt. ¡Mira! léela en la pantalla de mi móvil, para que no creas que me lo estoy inventando:
*** Player5257 was kicked and banned ***
[HA]Olsen: …Asshole
Player5257 ( -> Team): 3, 2, 1… EJ3cteD!!!
Player5257 ( -> Team): See… f0lks of hUmaNKInd ◬ŁwaYs squEe𝒵in’ 𝒯he laWs Of NaTUre, domINate Ånd abusE, smαsh eaCh otheℝ un𝒟er mor∍ αND More Powe℞ful tℰcℌiES… y𝔄 do ℹt In a F###*n' comPuter gAme, YOu’re a ch℈ater!
Pepino Furioso: What’s going on? Weren’t you kicked?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ***Shhhh!*** ThaT’ thOse moT♄afucka thiNk. 𝕓ut nOt that e⛤SY To Bla$t α G!!! Y’∪︀se ↟N coNsole co𝔐mand ‘say_te4m’. SŐ ya talk only to Me (Yes, N0w you & me aRℰ ⋂ ‘+eam’ ; ) )
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Ok. Got it… Don’t you owe me some explanations? Do you cheat at everything? Here, in chess and also in LIFE? What are you playing at?
Player5257 ( -> Team): J↺sT loVe play↑Ng… run INT☉ sh𝔒rTcuts? Ya bET I’ll taKe’⋵m. You’re not the k↑nd of gUy 𝔚ho is sc𝔄red of a ch◬ ĿlℯNGing GamE, R†Għt?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): A little scared, to be sincere, I already am. You sent me that box to my physical address, with my name on it, you knew I played this… So, I assume you know me, but from where?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Me conoces? del instituto? De la Carrera? De jugar a videojuegos? Porque entonces bien podrías estar hablándome en Español, no?
Player5257 ( -> Team): NO 𝔱e rayes, nĩ te ponGas ‘furioSO’. Los idIOmas ↟mpo𝔯taЏ un c𝔸rajo ch𝕒v∀l… ℘⊗drí𝔄 habl𝔄rte En eSpAñol bUt ï 𝓀new I w0uld oņly ♭e CℴNfu𝕊inG you EvEn mor℈. lo Que quIeras! cóm𝕠 Quieras! βro… JuSt spEa𝔨 Up, Ya way, y RUl𝔼s…
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Déjalo, sí, me escamas. Mejor olvida el español
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): English is fine, but tell me who you are
Player5257 ( -> Team): I ⨹in’t ✝rYna fīnesše yoU. DOn’t thiNk yo⋃ kNow me. 𝔪Y intereŞt in Џou Ca𝕞e 𝕀ndirectLy… I jUst Knew frOm YoU dU℈ to … c𝒪MPleX rEasoNs.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But how could you have known anything from me? And yet anything that could get you interested? I’m afraid you have found just an average Joe.
Player5257 ( -> Team): L𝔬ng story. I hAvE my sourc℈S. Put ❢t LikE ThIS: Ya fêl yA have qUℯstIoŊs, bUt I feel ya have aℕswers. 𝔞iN’t ya been’fter soMetHINg? Well, me toO. Th⩍t’S wℋy w𝔈 make a teaM ; )
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Are you interested in fundamental physics perhaps?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Y⋂ know… I’M 1nTereSteD ℐn oPeniN’ gATE𝕊.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What do you mean?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝔭erha℘s iN OpEniℕ’ 𝒜 pa↟r Of e𝓎es on your fAce as well.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But wait! How could you get my info? where I live? How did you know I played this game? How could you find me in the chess App if I wasn’t even registered!?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Did my rEsEarcH
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): research??? Your ways to approach people feel more proper to criminal than academic intentions, you know? And how did you managed to crack Quake gameplay like that?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Peerin’ Tħru the codE
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What are you? A hacker?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): rätheR sÂy ⊼ DigItAL illusioniSt… BUt yes, the best Ever DreameD by T𝒽e Bit𝕊. ; 9
𝒾 haCk constanŦ₤y … kind ℴf wAy of lIvin’, buT, ℑn tHiS caSE, WHat I Did, tecℋnℹcally, w∀s eXploitin’ , sInce I DIÐN’t break The rUles :-( proMisE ;-).
Just scannED the gaMe for bugs, fo⨄nD some aNd lℰarnt to Use 𝓉hem to bo$s ar⛯und. ↟s 𝕀♰ CheATiNg? 𝕨ell, when peoPle disCOveReD fiRe, metalwork, Oℜ n𝒰cLΞar
Power theY Didn’t hack ⩚ny law of n⨹TuR∄, just exploiteΔ tHem for their coЏveniencE -and, ob𝓋ioU𝔖ly, It wa$ a Boost to gEt ůNeq𝔘al ad√aNtA𝔊e to sLAughter ℰneMie𝒮 at warf𝕒ře…-.
Player5257 ( -> Team): I admIt I Hacked the serveR 𝔖ecuRiTy to stay hEr⋼ 𝕋alkĩNg to You… bůt just thAt :P
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Nice mix of diarrheic style with some punctilious and technical words... want to sound learned?... So… black hat or white hat hacker? What are your purposes?
Player5257 ( -> Team): XD𝔻ÐD… duNKnoѿwW k𝕀d … M⋵Xic⨹N hat??? aVOid e𝒯hIcal issuEs s☮ faR. My purPosE𝔰… HElp1Ng yθU ⛯ut oF daRkNess. Y’bee𝒩 discourαged foR lOnG time, rIght?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Mmmm, maybe. Consequences of my ingenuity. You know also about my mood?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝕄aybe, shARpest tool di𝔤s DeEp, hoMiℰ. So… WhaT abo𝓊t?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Well, I’d say I’ve been interested in disentangling certain aspects of ‘reality’
Player5257 ( -> Team): …YŐu sTiLL ∧rE!!!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): All right, I will tell you. This is what happens to me:
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I have kind of an inkling about some fundamental physics stuff, about the very essence of how things really are and work. I stop myself from believing it, but I still feel there could be a kernel of truth in them. The problem is that it remains only a gut feeling and, when I try to make it something reasoned with my head, I run into a lot of obstacles simply because I am not good enough, I lack the mathematical skills and the technical knowledge to operate with real high level physics, I get lost reading even very basic papers and I see the complexity of present day physics theories describing reality so out of my reach … I have never been outstanding , but now I am also pretty untrained and it get worse every fucking day.
Player5257 ( -> Team): y’⨹ctin’ t☉ø tHirsty, OBs⋵ssed wIth ho𝒲 tHIngs ‘Äre’, wHat you caℒl ‘reaLiTy’. This SCenery, ThIs Lℰvℰl oℱ ⚼UaK∄ II, is it ℞eal? The cratEs, The red ALIEN skY, the c☮nℭRete 𝔴alls And s♰airs, wateℛ, Lava… aℜΞ all they ℒess real tHan ‘realĩty’? St𝕦fF ⅎAll to The grounD HEre as Well, mIssileS ℌave a speed, that’s phΫsIc𝔖 kID! Do⋼s It MatteR at al⅊? It is jusT WherE we ar3. Re𝒶litieS Are many. As many a𝒮 d𝓇e∧mS, because thE eSsEnce is i𝔑 PoSsi♭ilIty, anD that essenĊe, If yoU D𝔼𝔈p𝔼n Enough, wILl bleEd 𝔒ut from 𝔸bsolutℯly anyŦhi𝓃g.
Player5257 ( -> Team): Bro, an𝕤w∄r me a 𝔔u𝕖Stion: Do You bℰLie𝒱⋵ UnIverse is univEr𝔰∀L?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What do you fucking mean?
Player5257 ( -> Team): You like phŸSics, HUh? In SCieNcE you Đel✓e int⛯ naturE, explore h☢w th𝔢 Univ∄rse is b𝕌ilt: Chęmi$tRy, ⊼toℳ∫, sTandard Model, un𝕀verŞaL c☢n𝒮Tants, all 𝕋Hat… 𝓇ight? IS it built Th∄ Only pOssiblę waY?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I’d say it is. But I have no good reason, it’s a belief, this universe is just where I live, I am trapped here in my own life as each in their own you know… Well I know about the hierarchy problem and all the ideas of a fine-tuned universe, anthropic principle, multiverses where constants of nature take all possible values… all that but I’ve never been too much into that stuff …but anyway I guess that’s not what you mean. If your idea is any consistent theoretical base that produces an evolving system… Yes, I guess there could be many… but I cannot tell really.
Player5257 ( -> Team): ↟ CAnNot teLl eIther BuT… rΞl𝕒x ThAt StRiÇtly eduCated FoRmal thinKing of yoUrs jus♰ foR Å liTt𝔩e MomeNt, j⨆s♰ foR sOme ℱUn tO break in! let us iℳ⩜gIne tHere’s  ‘gOd’s h𝕒ndbooK’, 𝒜 m⩍nUal wiTh all The pŐssiBle wayS of builDℹng ‘univer⚕ΞS’, as there COuLd BΞ One f⧂r makinG sLīNℊsHotS, 𝕆r p⩚PeR pLaNeš… many th𝒾ngs 𝒞aN bE cHaN♀ed: ma𝔱eRials, SIzes, ways of Tyi𝔑g the ruBBer ban𝔡 or f𝔬lding tHE paPr… But thℯre 𝕒re Coℛe coNcepts thAt are unavoiDable 𝔸n𝔡 witHoUt tH𝔢M tHE junk j⊎sT won’t Work, Righ+? 𝓃eed’em e𝒱𝔢n i𝒻 ¥ou don’t FUlly g☼t every✝hin. That applies tO ℯveryŦℏing: eNgine5, coℳputers, Buildiņgs, liVing ThℐNgs… so Why Not univ𝕖rses?
Player5257 ( -> Team): UniversaŁℹty classΞš, riN❡ a bΞll? KNow’Em …ri♀ht?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Hmmmm Ok! Yes! Well… more or less: Simple rules trigger a complex behavior and very different complex behaviours come from the same simple rule. When a set of different phenomena turn out to show a common very specific behavior at some limit… then they are said to belong to the same universality class, right?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Good! Eno⋃GH f⊗r oůr enterprise! TℋaT a℄So ϻe◬nš ph∄nomena bElonGiN❡ ℯ𝒶⊂h ClaSs havE cO𝔐mon P☉Tent†𝒜litiEs 𝕒nd ma𝕏ℹmal c⋂paBIlitieS, lIke They top Out At some point exhAusTing the b𝔞s∧l mℰDium… THE siMℙle Rule may HowEver be 𝔟uRied pretty deep.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Fine... then?
Player5257 ( -> Team): IℳaGine 𝕟ow the 𝕤êt Of Univers∧Łity cla⚕ses ⊕f possible univErs℈s. ℑ Know 1T feEls ₩eīrd bUt ŦhInk oF 𝕚t so tha𝔱 Each PosSIble wAy oF estabLishing tHe frameWOℝk of 'řeAlItY' 𝔡𝔼velops a Universe witH a CeℜTäin pOtenTial. TheRe can bE ℳOr𝔢 an𝔻 leSs poweRful 𝔟ase kΞrnelS of r⋼alIty So, l╽ke in t𝒽e cAsê Of videogamE ENGi𝔑es, eacℋ class oF UnℐvErsEs coulD hOld DiFℱereNt ‘fauna’: from NaiVe autømata to more deLIcate ConcePt𝒮 Łi𝕂e ‘intell❢gence’ oř ‘consC╽ence’ ør ‘lifE’ or $omethIng beyOnd all th⩀t we caN𝓃⧂𝕋 Even imA♀IŊe.
Player5257 ( -> Team): If, frOm tiC-tac-to℈ 𝕋o tHΞ bEsT simülation ever, eLeCt℞Onic vIÐ∄oGames t☉p ouT at tHe TuRiNg complete unIVersality clASs… c⊕uLD S☢mEthīng likE thAt be tHoUghT fø℞ ‘uNivERses’?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Sure… not enough problems with one universe, … you bring many.
Player5257 ( -> Team): ℊI𝔙e the IdeA a chanc⋵, ok? Can y☮u tHink of tHEse ‘unIVℯRS⋵ UniveRsaliTy ClasSes’ conFOrming s⧂me uNgrasPAble 𝓉oPo ĿoGy aLl TOgethER? WøuLD there 𝔅e sMal𝕃E₹ classes Inside laRgeR onês lIkℰ MatRYoshKas? WouLd theRℰ be An all-encOMpASšing GŁob∧l class? Woul𝒟 šOme uni𝕍erSê’Ş 𝒸 Ŀ𝒶sseš oVerl⨹p AnΔ share cℰrtain ❢nh𝔈rENT pROperties whi⅊ otHeRS 𝕒re mutually excludiℵg ☧roPertieS? ¿WOulD theRe be ⊄Omplete℄y inco𝓂pa𝔗†𝕓Le univer5es so th◬t NotHiЏg of oNe oF’em can be underSTood or MODeLed i𝕟 +he othe𝔯?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ReacH1ng oℝ NOT DEtErminat3 ca✝egOr╽e$ of PHenOmena wouŁd definE 𝔟oRderS Among tHem…
Player5257 ( -> Team): IF Some cl⩚sse𝔰 jU𝒮t encOmpA⎰S otHℰrS so tH⩀t eacH CLass 𝔣Ind a ♰hrEshold At apProaChing thℰ fOllowIng coNTainer clAsS, ŦheŊ it WOulD mean th⩚t the S𝕥ructur⋵ 𝕆f th atl⊼s ☢f univErses work the 𝓈am℈ way ⊼𝕤 the limℐtED chΞss βoaRd (WHicℋ You con𝔖idered 𝔭lainly StUpid) i𝒮 ⊑𝔬nTAIn3d iN oUr cOℳmon re𝕒litY. THen, tℍe chance Őf ◬ C𝔬ntaiNeR uniVêrse to BE unŁocK∄d f𝕣Om an interior univErse seEmS ho𝔭eLess... UnlΞss ther𝔈 CoUL𝔡 Be unaDvErte𝔡 SecreT Tunnels in thE 𝔱oPo𝕝ogY MakinG iT nθn-TRIViaL ∀Nd hirarchical OŊℒy In 𝔞pPeaℜaNce:
Player5257 ( -> Team): Co⨄Ld then ℗HysℹcS be Hacked? In sOmE ⎰∍nse… It could. exploiting woUlD Meαn deepeNĩng in how ønę universe ℐs ma𝔇e, h⩜ckℑng when yoU jump to the UPPeR univers𝕖 emb₹aCing tHe ‘CU𝕣𝔯ent One’. HaS sOme eNtℐTY Ever S↺ccEE𝒹eD in doiNg sO? It wŐuLd 𝕓e liKe the ch⋼ssℳen bReakiNg ⧂𝔲t of the chessboard!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Nice phantasmagoria... Where do you want to go?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝔒K! Ok! All thiS I te𝓁l y⛯u from T𝔥e unlImite𝕕 POw𝔈r of ignorance! Bůt this IŞ wHere ♰he monEy is:
Player5257 ( -> Team): you dŐn’𝕥 need tø Embr⋂Ce ♰he fu𝕃L COmPLE𝕏ity Of soMetHing to ge𝔗 the truℰ spiRIt o𝔉 it. Univ𝕖rSe is one mOℜE g∧me ⋼nginE, n0 𝓂atter ℌow it i𝕤 run you 𝔰Hould bE ablE to uNLock the CoR℈ and l⋵⩚ve Nuts and bolts fo𝓇 later. If yo𝔲 feEL it To𝕠 m⨆Ch to stArt with, disti℄late th⨹t quintssence fr☮m somewHeRE ∄lSe, try to access it from a different universe. †f 𝔱he uniVeR$e Y0u ar𝕖 in iS +oo str⊗ng find ⩀noTh∄R univErs∄ +O begin W†th… a Baby onΞ.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): You mean toy-models?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝕘ot T♄e point! CAtching thℯ ℈xacT way oNe SYstEM ↑s Tℛuly mad℈, 𝕥ℋat miGht ₩EL𝔩 bE faR AwaY fRom yoUr compRęhension And kNowLedge. But you might noЏETℍeless Be clearLy SE⋼i𝒩G sOmΞ of iTs manifsŦ capabilℹties, yo⨄ ⨖Ee 𝒯heM emergiNg obVIouSLY froM youℜ lℹv†ņg eX𝔭eRIen𝒞E I’d s⩍y. Sℴ tHere goes my advIce: FORget 𝕒B⛯Ut the OverwHelMi𝓃𝔊 unĩversE out tħere, bui Ŀd yOuR OwN little oℕe aNd geT ♰hät bUBbLing MoņstErology OuT of it.
Player5257 ( -> Team): L☉⛯k! Fibonac𝔠i unVeiLS i𝔫 The sm⛤lL ℍumBl𝕖 snail ∧s it dOes in galax|es ANd TuRīng CoMp𝓁ΞtE systeM𝔰 pOp ou𝔗 ea𝕤y as daisies. Your lo𝔫g-☾⧂✓∍TEd Snark Su℞Ξly hiDEs omNipResenT as well.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I keep having problems with your alphabetti spaghetty messy mind… I’ll try to moor your fantasy somewhere in known lands:
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): As far as I know I think there is no current human knowledge system based on any beyond-Turing universality class so one could say so far that the ‘container class’ for most of currently manageable phenomena is perhaps the computational one.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): If the ‘class of this universe’ can afford higher universality classes they are still to be unlocked… Yes, that’s what I want and thought for long. It's like a secret dream I have had for long... what means... somehow you know me... too well: ¿How? ¿How the hell you know I am after that?
Player5257 ( -> Team): C𝔬mE on kId! F☢cüs! I toLd YoU! RΞS𝔼Arch!
Player5257 ( -> Team): You l☼OsiЏg the point
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But I need to know how and why you know about me
Player5257 ( -> Team): WHaT ThE F⋃𝒸k doℰs it maTteRs? I Âm p𝒰TTℑn ya BaCk oN The Track 𝕥θwaℜds tHe Qu℈stℐons, questions yoü alℝEady kNoW yOu have aL𝕎ays beEN ASkin' yOurselF:
Player5257 ( -> Team): Is thEre ⊼n 𝒰pPêr crust? C𝔄n WE 𝕣each it?
Player5257 ( -> Team): I.e., C⩀n un❢ve₹SeS B𝔢 built ⩜boVℰ'&'𝕓eyond tHis ☢ne aS othErS Can 𝔹E 𝒯hought uP ℬenEaTh? What iS thE ne𝒲 uNiversaLity cLasŞ be𝕐𝔒Nd Turing? Is it AlreADy preSEnt IN this unIverse? How ‘bOuT sOME OtHer clas⨖Es in som3 othEℛ uNIVerseS? C𝔄n wE rEÅlly Kn⊕w Which onΞ arE we anyhow in tHE map Of unℐverses? ARe we close t☢ Beg↟nniN' or 𝕥O the 𝔈Nd of tℌe speCTrŲM? CaN we Mark a Point oŊ a map? CaN ThaT 5tuff evEn 𝒷e OrdErΞd Or mApped?
Player5257 ( -> Team): And… ⧂ver all: CAn we find a PATHW4Y?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): You answer nothing at all
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But why do you chase me???
Player5257 ( -> Team): We𝓁l.·¨ 𝒮Ort of ℙaR𝕒ⅆox¨·. I n𝔼𝔼d ya
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Alien-God-Emperor needs something from me?
Player5257 ( -> Team): YEp
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Why don’t you solve the mystery yourself as intelligent you are…?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ummm… 𝕥Ri𝔼d + didn’t wOℛk
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): So… beside chess you are not that godlike after all hahaha
Player5257 ( -> Team): L⧂⧂k! mΞ Drivi𝕟’ yA AfTer YøuR most ℂhase☽ gRailS 𝔄nd ya’☢nly u𝒫 ✝o 𝕤illy qu⋼sTiONs!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Not silly, I have questions but no answers so... why me?
Player5257 ( -> Team): $omE sconD ⎰IgHT in ya, don’t knoW rea𝔏ly, +++ and ---, be𝒮iDe tHat, φ juSt Liked y♣.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): ?????
Player5257 ( -> Team): ReMeMber my h↑nt ? ¿ ?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Yes, I knew well about that, it only took me a while to ‘remember’
Player5257 ( -> Team): I KnOw you kne𝕨
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): How can you know?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): ... ok, ok, I can answer myself: research
Player5257 ( -> Team): MY h↓nt bℰLoNgS to a ‘SimpL⚚𝕗1ed’ Un╽v⋵rse, right? S𝔒m⋼ celLůlar ⛤utomata ĊaN woRk as ⨄niv⋵rsaL T⋃ring machine wHILE oThΞR can’Ŧ. CApaBilItie$ cOme fRoM CoRe struCTurE. Y𝒪ur ‘universΞ’ ha∫ buildin blocKs THaT fUlLy eScApe ÿoUR sKills… well ya fINite pitIFul ℂreatuRe ·.·.reMemb℈R? Not ⩚ big deal… juŞT move TO a sImpler unīvers∍ ¿𝕎Hy don’t Џa teSt yo⊎R stuFf in UNiv3rSES the Siz∄ your Braīn c⩚N h◬ndle?
Player5257 ( -> Team): THAt’s my h↑nt, a test fIeld fOr Y¤UR li♰tle mESsed miN𝕕, kiD!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Wait,wait, wait.. there’s more about your ‘hint’
Player5257 ( -> Team): Su℞e, & ya’l℄ f†Nd ouT! gEt ŧo w♥RK
Player5257 ( -> Team): ThIs Conv's n◍ loNgEr getti𝔫’ 4nywℋerE
Player5257 ( -> Team): N0W G must g◍…
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What? No no no! wait! There’s something else going on! Why am I finding ‘the hint’ everywhere??????
Player5257 ( -> Team): Lots'o'𝕊t𝒰FF’s goin'on hoMie… p𝕖Äce ouŦ
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But wait! That’s unpolite! Not even your name you told me!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): .. and I assume you know mine
Player5257 ( -> Team): Y c⋂n Cal𝕝 mê JazZ
Player5257 disconnected
La mirada de Elia no me resulta fácil de leer. Sé que realmente no lo ha leído, al menos no en profundidad, ha estado de aquí para allá echando un ojo de vez en cuando. Unas veces me ha lanzado un gesto de curiosidad, otras casi de sorna, otras de simplemente no entender nada.
Pero ella tiene la habilidad de volver a la normalidad de cada día sin complicaciones. Tras acabar de deslizar el texto pasando el dedo por la pantalla me lanza una última mirada graciosa, se da la vuelta y va a poner unas cervezas al otro lado de la barra. Luego vuelve a pasar a mi lado:
— Pues, sabes? el viernes próximo tenemos sesión de jazz. Va a estar bien. Deberías venirte, seguro que te gusta. Y te despejará la cabeza– dice levantando las cejas
17/06/23 - 01:23
Cuando esta tarde llegué a La Forja pensé mejor no contarle nada a Elia. Me pareció demasiado difícil de creer. Me preguntó, pero le dije que estuve jugando un rato y que no pasó nada.
Pero el bar ha ido vaciándose a lo largo de la tarde y yo animándome con los tragos. Al final, casi sin darme cuenta le estoy soltando toda la historia a Elia que, en un momento que se ha visto más libre, se ha puesto delante de mí con mirada inquisidora, como si supiera que ocultaba algo más.
No obstante, no quiero dejar de jugar con ella. En el momento en que voy a contar cómo echaron al conflictivo player5257 pongo voz de misterio:
— Y vi en la pantalla: “Player5257: 5, 4, …”, es decir, el tío ya sabia que lo iban a echar… Todos se lanzaban a acusarle y… lo siguiente: “Player5257 was kicked and banned”, algún otro maldiciendo y ya está: Todos siguieron la partida como si nada – ahí me quedo mirándola con gesto drámatico.
— ¿Y entonces lo echaron y desapareció y ya está? – Elia me mira incrédula
— Era bastante comprensible… la estaba liando. sin embargo, yo me quedaba sin saber quién cojones era ni qué sabía de mí. Me quedé muerto en una esquina de una sala tipo fundición-mazmorra (muerto de que me habían matado en el juego, pero un poco muerto también en mi silla delante del ordenador). Veía cómo el juego seguía sin más (en los 3D-shooter los muertos siguen viendo), el cyborg y la tía de ‘stiletto’ se curraban a escopetazos saltando sin parar por encima de un rio de lava mientras yo me preguntaba ¿me voy a quedar sin saber quién demonios es este tío? —Me quedo pensativo, como confuso, mirando al vacío pero consciente de que Elia me mira fijamente—. Debería haberle escrito algo en cuanto le ví en la partida. Sí, así me quedé...
— ¿En serio? ¿Así te quedaste? – Elia pone tono de decepción total
— ¡No! —exclamo soltando la tension— pocos segundos después otro timbre de mensaje en el chat interrumpió mis deliberaciones ¿adivinas?
— ¡No jodas! ¿Seguía ahí?
— ¡Seguía ahí y yo no podía dejarle escapar! La conversación que siguió me pareció tal desvarío que la he guardado en txt. ¡Mira! léela en la pantalla de mi móvil, para que no creas que me lo estoy inventando:
*** Player5257 was kicked and banned ***
[HA]Olsen: …Asshole
Player5257 ( -> Team): 3, 2, 1… EJ3cteD!!!
Player5257 ( -> Team): See… f0lks of hUmaNKInd ◬ŁwaYs squEe𝒵in’ 𝒯he laWs Of NaTUre, domINate Ånd abusE, smαsh eaCh otheℝ un𝒟er mor∍ αND More Powe℞ful tℰcℌiES… y𝔄 do ℹt In a F###*n' comPuter gAme, YOu’re a ch℈ater!
Pepino Furioso: What’s going on? Weren’t you kicked?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ***Shhhh!*** ThaT’ thOse moT♄afucka thiNk. 𝕓ut nOt that e⛤SY To Bla$t α G!!! Y’∪︀se ↟N coNsole co𝔐mand ‘say_te4m’. SŐ ya talk only to Me (Yes, N0w you & me aRℰ ⋂ ‘+eam’ ; ) )
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Ok. Got it… Don’t you owe me some explanations? Do you cheat at everything? Here, in chess and also in LIFE? What are you playing at?
Player5257 ( -> Team): J↺sT loVe play↑Ng… run INT☉ sh𝔒rTcuts? Ya bET I’ll taKe’⋵m. You’re not the k↑nd of gUy 𝔚ho is sc𝔄red of a ch◬ ĿlℯNGing GamE, R†Għt?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): A little scared, to be sincere, I already am. You sent me that box to my physical address, with my name on it, you knew I played this… So, I assume you know me, but from where?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Me conoces? del instituto? De la Carrera? De jugar a videojuegos? Porque entonces bien podrías estar hablándome en Español, no?
Player5257 ( -> Team): NO 𝔱e rayes, nĩ te ponGas ‘furioSO’. Los idIOmas ↟mpo𝔯taЏ un c𝔸rajo ch𝕒v∀l… ℘⊗drí𝔄 habl𝔄rte En eSpAñol bUt ï 𝓀new I w0uld oņly ♭e CℴNfu𝕊inG you EvEn mor℈. lo Que quIeras! cóm𝕠 Quieras! βro… JuSt spEa𝔨 Up, Ya way, y RUl𝔼s…
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Déjalo, sí, me escamas. Mejor olvida el español
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): English is fine, but tell me who you are
Player5257 ( -> Team): I ⨹in’t ✝rYna fīnesše yoU. DOn’t thiNk yo⋃ kNow me. 𝔪Y intereŞt in Џou Ca𝕞e 𝕀ndirectLy… I jUst Knew frOm YoU dU℈ to … c𝒪MPleX rEasoNs.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But how could you have known anything from me? And yet anything that could get you interested? I’m afraid you have found just an average Joe.
Player5257 ( -> Team): L𝔬ng story. I hAvE my sourc℈S. Put ❢t LikE ThIS: Ya fêl yA have qUℯstIoŊs, bUt I feel ya have aℕswers. 𝔞iN’t ya been’fter soMetHINg? Well, me toO. Th⩍t’S wℋy w𝔈 make a teaM ; )
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Are you interested in fundamental physics perhaps?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Y⋂ know… I’M 1nTereSteD ℐn oPeniN’ gATE𝕊.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What do you mean?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝔭erha℘s iN OpEniℕ’ 𝒜 pa↟r Of e𝓎es on your fAce as well.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But wait! How could you get my info? where I live? How did you know I played this game? How could you find me in the chess App if I wasn’t even registered!?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Did my rEsEarcH
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): research??? Your ways to approach people feel more proper to criminal than academic intentions, you know? And how did you managed to crack Quake gameplay like that?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Peerin’ Tħru the codE
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What are you? A hacker?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): rätheR sÂy ⊼ DigItAL illusioniSt… BUt yes, the best Ever DreameD by T𝒽e Bit𝕊. ; 9
𝒾 haCk constanŦ₤y … kind ℴf wAy of lIvin’, buT, ℑn tHiS caSE, WHat I Did, tecℋnℹcally, w∀s eXploitin’ , sInce I DIÐN’t break The rUles :-( proMisE ;-).
Just scannED the gaMe for bugs, fo⨄nD some aNd lℰarnt to Use 𝓉hem to bo$s ar⛯und. ↟s 𝕀♰ CheATiNg? 𝕨ell, when peoPle disCOveReD fiRe, metalwork, Oℜ n𝒰cLΞar
Power theY Didn’t hack ⩚ny law of n⨹TuR∄, just exploiteΔ tHem for their coЏveniencE -and, ob𝓋ioU𝔖ly, It wa$ a Boost to gEt ůNeq𝔘al ad√aNtA𝔊e to sLAughter ℰneMie𝒮 at warf𝕒ře…-.
Player5257 ( -> Team): I admIt I Hacked the serveR 𝔖ecuRiTy to stay hEr⋼ 𝕋alkĩNg to You… bůt just thAt :P
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Nice mix of diarrheic style with some punctilious and technical words... want to sound learned?... So… black hat or white hat hacker? What are your purposes?
Player5257 ( -> Team): XD𝔻ÐD… duNKnoѿwW k𝕀d … M⋵Xic⨹N hat??? aVOid e𝒯hIcal issuEs s☮ faR. My purPosE𝔰… HElp1Ng yθU ⛯ut oF daRkNess. Y’bee𝒩 discourαged foR lOnG time, rIght?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Mmmm, maybe. Consequences of my ingenuity. You know also about my mood?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝕄aybe, shARpest tool di𝔤s DeEp, hoMiℰ. So… WhaT abo𝓊t?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Well, I’d say I’ve been interested in disentangling certain aspects of ‘reality’
Player5257 ( -> Team): …YŐu sTiLL ∧rE!!!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): All right, I will tell you. This is what happens to me:
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I have kind of an inkling about some fundamental physics stuff, about the very essence of how things really are and work. I stop myself from believing it, but I still feel there could be a kernel of truth in them. The problem is that it remains only a gut feeling and, when I try to make it something reasoned with my head, I run into a lot of obstacles simply because I am not good enough, I lack the mathematical skills and the technical knowledge to operate with real high level physics, I get lost reading even very basic papers and I see the complexity of present day physics theories describing reality so out of my reach … I have never been outstanding , but now I am also pretty untrained and it get worse every fucking day.
Player5257 ( -> Team): y’⨹ctin’ t☉ø tHirsty, OBs⋵ssed wIth ho𝒲 tHIngs ‘Äre’, wHat you caℒl ‘reaLiTy’. This SCenery, ThIs Lℰvℰl oℱ ⚼UaK∄ II, is it ℞eal? The cratEs, The red ALIEN skY, the c☮nℭRete 𝔴alls And s♰airs, wateℛ, Lava… aℜΞ all they ℒess real tHan ‘realĩty’? St𝕦fF ⅎAll to The grounD HEre as Well, mIssileS ℌave a speed, that’s phΫsIc𝔖 kID! Do⋼s It MatteR at al⅊? It is jusT WherE we ar3. Re𝒶litieS Are many. As many a𝒮 d𝓇e∧mS, because thE eSsEnce is i𝔑 PoSsi♭ilIty, anD that essenĊe, If yoU D𝔼𝔈p𝔼n Enough, wILl bleEd 𝔒ut from 𝔸bsolutℯly anyŦhi𝓃g.
Player5257 ( -> Team): Bro, an𝕤w∄r me a 𝔔u𝕖Stion: Do You bℰLie𝒱⋵ UnIverse is univEr𝔰∀L?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What do you fucking mean?
Player5257 ( -> Team): You like phŸSics, HUh? In SCieNcE you Đel✓e int⛯ naturE, explore h☢w th𝔢 Univ∄rse is b𝕌ilt: Chęmi$tRy, ⊼toℳ∫, sTandard Model, un𝕀verŞaL c☢n𝒮Tants, all 𝕋Hat… 𝓇ight? IS it built Th∄ Only pOssiblę waY?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I’d say it is. But I have no good reason, it’s a belief, this universe is just where I live, I am trapped here in my own life as each in their own you know… Well I know about the hierarchy problem and all the ideas of a fine-tuned universe, anthropic principle, multiverses where constants of nature take all possible values… all that but I’ve never been too much into that stuff …but anyway I guess that’s not what you mean. If your idea is any consistent theoretical base that produces an evolving system… Yes, I guess there could be many… but I cannot tell really.
Player5257 ( -> Team): ↟ CAnNot teLl eIther BuT… rΞl𝕒x ThAt StRiÇtly eduCated FoRmal thinKing of yoUrs jus♰ foR Å liTt𝔩e MomeNt, j⨆s♰ foR sOme ℱUn tO break in! let us iℳ⩜gIne tHere’s  ‘gOd’s h𝕒ndbooK’, 𝒜 m⩍nUal wiTh all The pŐssiBle wayS of builDℹng ‘univer⚕ΞS’, as there COuLd BΞ One f⧂r makinG sLīNℊsHotS, 𝕆r p⩚PeR pLaNeš… many th𝒾ngs 𝒞aN bE cHaN♀ed: ma𝔱eRials, SIzes, ways of Tyi𝔑g the ruBBer ban𝔡 or f𝔬lding tHE paPr… But thℯre 𝕒re Coℛe coNcepts thAt are unavoiDable 𝔸n𝔡 witHoUt tH𝔢M tHE junk j⊎sT won’t Work, Righ+? 𝓃eed’em e𝒱𝔢n i𝒻 ¥ou don’t FUlly g☼t every✝hin. That applies tO ℯveryŦℏing: eNgine5, coℳputers, Buildiņgs, liVing ThℐNgs… so Why Not univ𝕖rses?
Player5257 ( -> Team): UniversaŁℹty classΞš, riN❡ a bΞll? KNow’Em …ri♀ht?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Hmmmm Ok! Yes! Well… more or less: Simple rules trigger a complex behavior and very different complex behaviours come from the same simple rule. When a set of different phenomena turn out to show a common very specific behavior at some limit… then they are said to belong to the same universality class, right?
Player5257 ( -> Team): Good! Eno⋃GH f⊗r oůr enterprise! TℋaT a℄So ϻe◬nš ph∄nomena bElonGiN❡ ℯ𝒶⊂h ClaSs havE cO𝔐mon P☉Tent†𝒜litiEs 𝕒nd ma𝕏ℹmal c⋂paBIlitieS, lIke They top Out At some point exhAusTing the b𝔞s∧l mℰDium… THE siMℙle Rule may HowEver be 𝔟uRied pretty deep.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Fine... then?
Player5257 ( -> Team): IℳaGine 𝕟ow the 𝕤êt Of Univers∧Łity cla⚕ses ⊕f possible univErs℈s. ℑ Know 1T feEls ₩eīrd bUt ŦhInk oF 𝕚t so tha𝔱 Each PosSIble wAy oF estabLishing tHe frameWOℝk of 'řeAlItY' 𝔡𝔼velops a Universe witH a CeℜTäin pOtenTial. TheRe can bE ℳOr𝔢 an𝔻 leSs poweRful 𝔟ase kΞrnelS of r⋼alIty So, l╽ke in t𝒽e cAsê Of videogamE ENGi𝔑es, eacℋ class oF UnℐvErsEs coulD hOld DiFℱereNt ‘fauna’: from NaiVe autømata to more deLIcate ConcePt𝒮 Łi𝕂e ‘intell❢gence’ oř ‘consC╽ence’ ør ‘lifE’ or $omethIng beyOnd all th⩀t we caN𝓃⧂𝕋 Even imA♀IŊe.
Player5257 ( -> Team): If, frOm tiC-tac-to℈ 𝕋o tHΞ bEsT simülation ever, eLeCt℞Onic vIÐ∄oGames t☉p ouT at tHe TuRiNg complete unIVersality clASs… c⊕uLD S☢mEthīng likE thAt be tHoUghT fø℞ ‘uNivERses’?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Sure… not enough problems with one universe, … you bring many.
Player5257 ( -> Team): ℊI𝔙e the IdeA a chanc⋵, ok? Can y☮u tHink of tHEse ‘unIVℯRS⋵ UniveRsaliTy ClasSes’ conFOrming s⧂me uNgrasPAble 𝓉oPo ĿoGy aLl TOgethER? WøuLD there 𝔅e sMal𝕃E₹ classes Inside laRgeR onês lIkℰ MatRYoshKas? WouLd theRℰ be An all-encOMpASšing GŁob∧l class? Woul𝒟 šOme uni𝕍erSê’Ş 𝒸 Ŀ𝒶sseš oVerl⨹p AnΔ share cℰrtain ❢nh𝔈rENT pROperties whi⅊ otHeRS 𝕒re mutually excludiℵg ☧roPertieS? ¿WOulD theRe be ⊄Omplete℄y inco𝓂pa𝔗†𝕓Le univer5es so th◬t NotHiЏg of oNe oF’em can be underSTood or MODeLed i𝕟 +he othe𝔯?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ReacH1ng oℝ NOT DEtErminat3 ca✝egOr╽e$ of PHenOmena wouŁd definE 𝔟oRderS Among tHem…
Player5257 ( -> Team): IF Some cl⩚sse𝔰 jU𝒮t encOmpA⎰S otHℰrS so tH⩀t eacH CLass 𝔣Ind a ♰hrEshold At apProaChing thℰ fOllowIng coNTainer clAsS, ŦheŊ it WOulD mean th⩚t the S𝕥ructur⋵ 𝕆f th atl⊼s ☢f univErses work the 𝓈am℈ way ⊼𝕤 the limℐtED chΞss βoaRd (WHicℋ You con𝔖idered 𝔭lainly StUpid) i𝒮 ⊑𝔬nTAIn3d iN oUr cOℳmon re𝕒litY. THen, tℍe chance Őf ◬ C𝔬ntaiNeR uniVêrse to BE unŁocK∄d f𝕣Om an interior univErse seEmS ho𝔭eLess... UnlΞss ther𝔈 CoUL𝔡 Be unaDvErte𝔡 SecreT Tunnels in thE 𝔱oPo𝕝ogY MakinG iT nθn-TRIViaL ∀Nd hirarchical OŊℒy In 𝔞pPeaℜaNce:
Player5257 ( -> Team): Co⨄Ld then ℗HysℹcS be Hacked? In sOmE ⎰∍nse… It could. exploiting woUlD Meαn deepeNĩng in how ønę universe ℐs ma𝔇e, h⩜ckℑng when yoU jump to the UPPeR univers𝕖 emb₹aCing tHe ‘CU𝕣𝔯ent One’. HaS sOme eNtℐTY Ever S↺ccEE𝒹eD in doiNg sO? It wŐuLd 𝕓e liKe the ch⋼ssℳen bReakiNg ⧂𝔲t of the chessboard!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Nice phantasmagoria... Where do you want to go?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝔒K! Ok! All thiS I te𝓁l y⛯u from T𝔥e unlImite𝕕 POw𝔈r of ignorance! Bůt this IŞ wHere ♰he monEy is:
Player5257 ( -> Team): you dŐn’𝕥 need tø Embr⋂Ce ♰he fu𝕃L COmPLE𝕏ity Of soMetHing to ge𝔗 the truℰ spiRIt o𝔉 it. Univ𝕖rSe is one mOℜE g∧me ⋼nginE, n0 𝓂atter ℌow it i𝕤 run you 𝔰Hould bE ablE to uNLock the CoR℈ and l⋵⩚ve Nuts and bolts fo𝓇 later. If yo𝔲 feEL it To𝕠 m⨆Ch to stArt with, disti℄late th⨹t quintssence fr☮m somewHeRE ∄lSe, try to access it from a different universe. †f 𝔱he uniVeR$e Y0u ar𝕖 in iS +oo str⊗ng find ⩀noTh∄R univErs∄ +O begin W†th… a Baby onΞ.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): You mean toy-models?
Player5257 ( -> Team): 𝕘ot T♄e point! CAtching thℯ ℈xacT way oNe SYstEM ↑s Tℛuly mad℈, 𝕥ℋat miGht ₩EL𝔩 bE faR AwaY fRom yoUr compRęhension And kNowLedge. But you might noЏETℍeless Be clearLy SE⋼i𝒩G sOmΞ of iTs manifsŦ capabilℹties, yo⨄ ⨖Ee 𝒯heM emergiNg obVIouSLY froM youℜ lℹv†ņg eX𝔭eRIen𝒞E I’d s⩍y. Sℴ tHere goes my advIce: FORget 𝕒B⛯Ut the OverwHelMi𝓃𝔊 unĩversE out tħere, bui Ŀd yOuR OwN little oℕe aNd geT ♰hät bUBbLing MoņstErology OuT of it.
Player5257 ( -> Team): L☉⛯k! Fibonac𝔠i unVeiLS i𝔫 The sm⛤lL ℍumBl𝕖 snail ∧s it dOes in galax|es ANd TuRīng CoMp𝓁ΞtE systeM𝔰 pOp ou𝔗 ea𝕤y as daisies. Your lo𝔫g-☾⧂✓∍TEd Snark Su℞Ξly hiDEs omNipResenT as well.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): I keep having problems with your alphabetti spaghetty messy mind… I’ll try to moor your fantasy somewhere in known lands:
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): As far as I know I think there is no current human knowledge system based on any beyond-Turing universality class so one could say so far that the ‘container class’ for most of currently manageable phenomena is perhaps the computational one.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): If the ‘class of this universe’ can afford higher universality classes they are still to be unlocked… Yes, that’s what I want and thought for long. It's like a secret dream I have had for long... what means... somehow you know me... too well: ¿How? ¿How the hell you know I am after that?
Player5257 ( -> Team): C𝔬mE on kId! F☢cüs! I toLd YoU! RΞS𝔼Arch!
Player5257 ( -> Team): You l☼OsiЏg the point
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But I need to know how and why you know about me
Player5257 ( -> Team): WHaT ThE F⋃𝒸k doℰs it maTteRs? I Âm p𝒰TTℑn ya BaCk oN The Track 𝕥θwaℜds tHe Qu℈stℐons, questions yoü alℝEady kNoW yOu have aL𝕎ays beEN ASkin' yOurselF:
Player5257 ( -> Team): Is thEre ⊼n 𝒰pPêr crust? C𝔄n WE 𝕣each it?
Player5257 ( -> Team): I.e., C⩀n un❢ve₹SeS B𝔢 built ⩜boVℰ'&'𝕓eyond tHis ☢ne aS othErS Can 𝔹E 𝒯hought uP ℬenEaTh? What iS thE ne𝒲 uNiversaLity cLasŞ be𝕐𝔒Nd Turing? Is it AlreADy preSEnt IN this unIverse? How ‘bOuT sOME OtHer clas⨖Es in som3 othEℛ uNIVerseS? C𝔄n wE rEÅlly Kn⊕w Which onΞ arE we anyhow in tHE map Of unℐverses? ARe we close t☢ Beg↟nniN' or 𝕥O the 𝔈Nd of tℌe speCTrŲM? CaN we Mark a Point oŊ a map? CaN ThaT 5tuff evEn 𝒷e OrdErΞd Or mApped?
Player5257 ( -> Team): And… ⧂ver all: CAn we find a PATHW4Y?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): You answer nothing at all
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But why do you chase me???
Player5257 ( -> Team): We𝓁l.·¨ 𝒮Ort of ℙaR𝕒ⅆox¨·. I n𝔼𝔼d ya
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Alien-God-Emperor needs something from me?
Player5257 ( -> Team): YEp
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Why don’t you solve the mystery yourself as intelligent you are…?
Player5257 ( -> Team): ummm… 𝕥Ri𝔼d + didn’t wOℛk
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): So… beside chess you are not that godlike after all hahaha
Player5257 ( -> Team): L⧂⧂k! mΞ Drivi𝕟’ yA AfTer YøuR most ℂhase☽ gRailS 𝔄nd ya’☢nly u𝒫 ✝o 𝕤illy qu⋼sTiONs!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Not silly, I have questions but no answers so... why me?
Player5257 ( -> Team): $omE sconD ⎰IgHT in ya, don’t knoW rea𝔏ly, +++ and ---, be𝒮iDe tHat, φ juSt Liked y♣.
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): ?????
Player5257 ( -> Team): ReMeMber my h↑nt ? ¿ ?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Yes, I knew well about that, it only took me a while to ‘remember’
Player5257 ( -> Team): I KnOw you kne𝕨
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): How can you know?
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): ... ok, ok, I can answer myself: research
Player5257 ( -> Team): MY h↓nt bℰLoNgS to a ‘SimpL⚚𝕗1ed’ Un╽v⋵rse, right? S𝔒m⋼ celLůlar ⛤utomata ĊaN woRk as ⨄niv⋵rsaL T⋃ring machine wHILE oThΞR can’Ŧ. CApaBilItie$ cOme fRoM CoRe struCTurE. Y𝒪ur ‘universΞ’ ha∫ buildin blocKs THaT fUlLy eScApe ÿoUR sKills… well ya fINite pitIFul ℂreatuRe ·.·.reMemb℈R? Not ⩚ big deal… juŞT move TO a sImpler unīvers∍ ¿𝕎Hy don’t Џa teSt yo⊎R stuFf in UNiv3rSES the Siz∄ your Braīn c⩚N h◬ndle?
Player5257 ( -> Team): THAt’s my h↑nt, a test fIeld fOr Y¤UR li♰tle mESsed miN𝕕, kiD!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): Wait,wait, wait.. there’s more about your ‘hint’
Player5257 ( -> Team): Su℞e, & ya’l℄ f†Nd ouT! gEt ŧo w♥RK
Player5257 ( -> Team): ThIs Conv's n◍ loNgEr getti𝔫’ 4nywℋerE
Player5257 ( -> Team): N0W G must g◍…
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): What? No no no! wait! There’s something else going on! Why am I finding ‘the hint’ everywhere??????
Player5257 ( -> Team): Lots'o'𝕊t𝒰FF’s goin'on hoMie… p𝕖Äce ouŦ
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): But wait! That’s unpolite! Not even your name you told me!
Pepino Furioso( -> Team): .. and I assume you know mine
Player5257 ( -> Team): Y c⋂n Cal𝕝 mê JazZ
Player5257 disconnected
La mirada de Elia no me resulta fácil de leer. Sé que realmente no lo ha leído, al menos no en profundidad, ha estado de aquí para allá echando un ojo de vez en cuando. Unas veces me ha lanzado un gesto de curiosidad, otras casi de sorna, otras de simplemente no entender nada.
Pero ella tiene la habilidad de volver a la normalidad de cada día sin complicaciones. Tras acabar de deslizar el texto pasando el dedo por la pantalla me lanza una última mirada graciosa, se da la vuelta y va a poner unas cervezas al otro lado de la barra. Luego vuelve a pasar a mi lado:
— Pues, sabes? el viernes próximo tenemos sesión de jazz. Va a estar bien. Deberías venirte, seguro que te gusta. Y te despejará la cabeza– dice levantando las cejas